23/03/23, 12:31

Be active in the national project "Green Space"!

The tree planting event held today in the "New Uzbekistan" park in Nurafshon was named as such. The Minister of Natural Resources Aziz Abduhakimov participated in this event, which was organized by the initiative of the Tashkent regional government and the Tashkent regional department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, within the framework of the spring season of the nationwide project "Green Space".

Today, the global environmental situation is not good. Many factors cause this to happen. These include the increase in the number of vehicles, manufacturing enterprises, and the population. In the future, with the increase of environmental damage factors, the attitude towards the trees that serve to clean the air is of concern. Along with illegal felling, the concrete of the base of the trees, damage to the roots in various ways, requires each of us to pay attention to the growing perennial trees.

-These days, within the framework of the "Green Space" national project, planting activities are being conducted throughout the republic. I would like to emphasize that this is an important long-term project, - said the Minister of Natural Resources A. Abdukhakimov. - However, along with planting seedlings, it is important to pay attention to the greening and preservation of the planted seedlings, as well as the preservation of the existing trees. Trees are the lungs of nature. Without them, there is not enough oxygen, and without oxygen there is no life. If we understand this simple fact and carry out tree planting activities together, I think that the effectiveness of the national project "Green Space" will increase even more.

During the event, the spring season of the nationwide project "Green Space" was launched in Tashkent region.

It was reported that 10 million 141 thousand 900 tree and shrub saplings are planned to be planted in the area of 203.4 hectares this season, and practical work is being carried out in this regard in all regions of the region.

A. Abdukhakimov, N. Bakirov also participated in the tree planting campaign and planted trees with good intentions among the representatives of the general public.

During the campaign, more than 2,000 participants, including teams of regional enterprises and organizations, intellectuals, community activists, deputies, and young people, planted more than 1,000 ornamental and fruit trees.